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Zamieszcza materiały od: 8 maja 2013 - 0:36
Ostatnio: 22 października 2013 - 23:57
O sobie:

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

  • Materiałów na głównej: 7 z 7
  • Punktów za materiały: 193
  • Komentarzy: 1
  • Punktów za komentarze: 1
Our pets are much more than just animals... – Our pets are much more than just animals... They become part of our families. A departed family member can stop by once in a while to comfort us, or simply say hello - Perhaps now, as you walk, an invisible shape follows you close by.

Our pets are much more than just animals...

Our pets are much more than just animals... They become part of our families. A departed family member can stop by once in a while to comfort us, or simply say hello - Perhaps now, as you walk, an invisible shape follows you close by.

Hierarchia – ''Ostatecznym argumentem niewidzialnej ręki rynku jest zawsze czołg.''

 ''The final argument of the invisible hand of the market is always a tank.''


''Ostatecznym argumentem niewidzialnej ręki rynku jest zawsze czołg.''

''The final argument of the invisible hand of the market is always a tank.''