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Take care of the animals!

Kolejny filmik, który wraca mi wiarę w ludzi :)


SHARP (ang. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice – Skinheadzi przeciwko uprzedzeniom rasowym) – odłam subkultury skinheadów, powstały w 1987 w Nowym Jorku z szeregu jej antyrasistowskich organizacji.

Ugrupowanie SHARP rozwinęło się z czasem do luźnej międzynarodówki z oddziałami między innymi w wielu krajach europejskich. Początkowo w Wielkiej Brytanii, później w Niemczech i Portugalii. Skinheadów SHARP łączą idee antyrasistowskie, starają się oni w zdecydowany sposób dystansować od neonazistowskich ugrupowań. Zauważalne są na tej płaszczynie wspólne działania z innymi odłamami z tego samego okresu, jak Red Skinheads czy też RASH.

Roddy Moreno, członek zespołu skinhead punk rockowego The Oppressed z Walii, określany mianem trybuna ruchu SHARP, powiedział: Żaden Skinhead nie może być rasistą, bo musiałby zatuszować swoje czarne korzenie.


The Beatles

Wyłącz swój umysł, odpręż się i unoś z prądem
To nie jest umieranie, to nie jest umieranie
Odsuń wszystkie myśli, poddaj się pustce
Ona świeci, ona świeci,
Abyś mógł zobaczyć wewnątrz siebie sens
To jest istnienie, to jest istnienie

Że miłość jest wszystkim i miłość jest w każdym,
To jest poznanie, to jest poznanie
A niewiedza i nienawiść niech opłakują zmarłych
To jest wiara, to jest wiara
Tylko słuchaj barwy swoich snów,
To nie jest życie, to nie jest życie,
Lub baw się grą "Istnienie" do końca

Samael - In GOLD We Trust

When money rules the game it diminishes life*
It narrows perspective to a single line
If it is too much it is not enough
Whatever we earn, for more you still yearn

We're looking for satisfaction
Our world is stuffed with ambition
Everything we do, is done in excess
We're junkies addicted to success

All our emotions are rationalized
We're careful on what we capitalize
Rare rocks and precious metal
Our power grows, it's natural

If faith has a use, it's to let us believe
Righteousness is on our side
We got nothing to hide
Of our goal, of our lust
In Gold we trust

We're looking for satisfaction
Our world is stuffed with ambition
Everything we do, is done in excess
We're junkies addicted to success

If faith has a use, it's to let us believe
Righteousness is on our side
We got nothing to hide
Of our goal, of our lust
In Gold we trust

Money, prosperity
Wealth has authority


It's a mistery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed

You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me

When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed

I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

there's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you're keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like its starting from the top
you can't do that...

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
society, crazy and deep
I hope you're not lonely without me

Dave Matthews Band - You Might Die Trying

To change the world,
Start with one step.
However small,
The first step is hardest of all.

Once you get your gate,
You will walk in tall.
You said you never did,
Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
Cause you—

If you close your eyes,
Cause the house is on fire.
And think you couldn’t move,
Until the fire dies.
The things you never did,
Oh, cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
You’d be as good as dead,
Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.

If you give, you, you begin to live.
If you give, you begin to live.
You begin, you get the world.
If you give, you begin to give
You get the world, you get the world.
If you give, you begin to live.

You might die trying.
Oh, you might die trying.
Yeah, you might die trying.

The things you never did,
Cause you might die trying;
You’d be as good as dead.
You never did.

Hierarchia – ''Ostatecznym argumentem niewidzialnej ręki rynku jest zawsze czołg.''

 ''The final argument of the invisible hand of the market is always a tank.''


''Ostatecznym argumentem niewidzialnej ręki rynku jest zawsze czołg.''

''The final argument of the invisible hand of the market is always a tank.''